You know that new house on the hill? We built it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Putting on its winter whites!

When I drove up and saw the house dressed sharply in white this afternoon, I was so happy with our decision to go with Pure White by Sherwin Williams. Some people may look at a white house and think, "ho hum" but to us, it says FARMHOUSE and classic! Throughout this process of choosing a plan and building, we have been inspired by the book, The Farmhouse: New Inspiration for the Classic American Home. Today our house made me think of the book's cover (and many photos inside). If you're thinking about farmhouse design, this book is worth buying (or at least checking out from the library).
I told Ashley I wish our contractor's dump truck wasn't always parked in the front. He joked and recommended that I put it in neutral and roll it down the hill...but for some reason, I don't think Perry would like that I moved his dumpster. So it stays!
On to the inside (more outside in a bit). Here's the wainscoting going up the stairs and the trim.!!! This is the right side where my desk will be with an open bookshelf above and then a closed cabinet. Freddy put beadboard in the open front areas of cabinets. Love it!
Freddy and his helper placing the cabinet unit that will house the sink, etc. All of the cabinets are site built. Where the saw table sits is where the island will be, fyi.
The master bathroom. All of the bathrooms and laundry room have beadboard running halfway up. Our original plan was the have beadboard covering the entire wall but because beadboard comes in 8 ft sheets instead of 9, we adjusted our plan. I like this look even better.
The master bathroom has two separate vanities. Mine will be here, to the right of the window (water closet to the right of the vanity).
Another view of the kitchen. Notice the small inspector to the lower right!
View of the house from the back (the boys and I played in the sandpile for a while this afternoon--enjoying this perfect weather!). The gas tank will be buried at some point.
Another view from the front.
This morning Ashley and I went back to confirm our carpet choice and try to narrow down the tile I want to use for the kitchen backsplash. I'm still on the hunt for it (wish I would have saved the source info from the Renovation Style magazine from 2007 that is my inspiration!). After that appointment, we went to the lighting store and picked out the majority of our lights. We still have a few decisions such as the dining room fixture and the lights at our front door.


  1. Looks very classic farmhouse. Love it. I am really enjoying watching the process of your house being built.

  2. I picked you for the Stylish Blogger Award! You can go to my blog and get a copy of the award (copy and paste the award button)along with instructions.


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